Iryna helped me discover new perspectives that have brought me peace and freedom as my caregiving responsibilities grow. I am so grateful for such amazing help as I learn to thrive in this challenging role.”
Barabra N.
Whishing you didn’t have to put your life on hold while taking care of your aging family members with dementia?

Hey there,
I see You
And I can help you feel better.
I know how it is to grieve your parents when they are still alive but they are not your parents anymore. Not the ones you have known and loved for your entire life.
I know what it’s like to be scared of your own emotions because you have always thought it was wrong and unacceptable to have such strong negative emotions about your parents.
I was exhausted and carried enormous guilt for not being fully present in the lives of my child, my spouse, and my parents, and my professional aspirations were put on hold indefinitely.
I know how it feels to receive unsolicited advice from relatives and well-meaning strangers who would tell me how I was doing everything wrong. Surprisingly, they didn’t try to do it right themselves.
I know it all because I’ve been there myself.
And while I was there I desperately wished someone would help me to survive that madness.
When I survived, I decided I would be that help for someone else in a similar situation.
Imagine what it would feel like to go from trying to survive to living your life fully.
Iryna has helped me in navigating issues of taking the role of a parent of my own parents. Thanks to her I’m now able to make good and healthy choices for myself and the relationships I am in. I’m grateful that I found her when I did and I highly recommend her
Hanna M.

I'm Iryna
I am in the business of helping caregivers thrive while they are taking care of people they love.
You are doing your best to make everyone happy.
Your family – your children, your parents, your significant others are the most important people in your life and you are willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of their wellbeing.
And on those nights when you are tossing and turning without sleep you ask yourself:
“What about me? Who is taking care of me?”
You wish one day something will change and you’ll be able to live YOUR life.
Someday you won’t be emotionally exhausted and get what you need.
Well, my friend, that someday is today.
Because if you don’t take care of yourself now you won’t be able to take care of everyone you love. It’s that simple.
And you can live YOUR life now, while also being a caregiver.